Processing of Post-Consumer PET Bottles
Turning old into new – is probably one of the most challenging tasks in plastics recycling, especially when the rPet granulate has to meet the food industry’s standards. After extensive, repeat sorting only recyclable material is passed on to the washing process. The focus is on the multiple washing processes, cold as well as hot, with and without caustic solution, to clean the potential raw material and remove labels and other contamination. However, gentle drying and an early elimination of HDPE and PP materials are equally important for a high output quality and purity.

PET Bottles | Post-Consumer
Bottle-to-bottle recycling is one of the most demanding recycling applications. Sugar residues, liquids and other contaminants must be safely removed, as well as labels, sleeves and caps - at the end of the day this is the only approach to achieving a pure and clean rGranulate that meets food industry standards.

The Recycling Solution
The recycling process usually starts with a complex sorting process which is followed by various cutting, washing and drying steps, as well as water treatment. Alongside other washing components, the LINDNER hot wash is a fix component of PET recycling plants, usually operated with caustic solution.
PET Bottles
Along with polyolefins, PET is one of the most commonly used packaging plastics. To ensure that PET can be successfully recycled and reused in the food industry, the main focus is on the extensive sorting and demanding cleaning processes. A bottle can then become a bottle again (bottle to bottle) or be used as a raw material for the textile industry.